Three cops and a social worker... how a pocket dial almost ruined lives | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

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Smiths Falls, Ontario
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Three cops and a social worker... how a pocket dial almost ruined lives

February 9, 2016

The audio file attached resulted in three police officers pulling me and my husband out of our house around 7:30 Monday morning on April 27, 2015. When they didn't find anything, they made a report to CAS so they could try and search the home two days later.

The video below is of a meeting with Family and Children's Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville, which was set up after I sent in my complaint letter, which you also can read below. Full interview with Director of Service has been moved here

Complaint Letter:

January 25, 2016

Attention: Kim Morrow, Director of Service
Raymond Lemay, Interim Executive Director

My name is Kelley Denham and I wish to formally make a complaint against FCSLLG staff involved in my case from April 2015 to December 2015, and child protection worker Lesley Wollenschlager. Ms Wollenschlager unlawfully threatened to take my children away after I told her to leave my house and also knowingly lied in an affidavit used against my family, about this incident, to obtain a temporary motion on a prima facie basis.

FCSLLG ultimately withdrew their application for a supervision order on Dec. 17, 2015, after we provided them with a doctor’s note that we were already more than willing to provide before any court involvement. I believe the matter was only brought to court to justify the investigation going past 60 days. Initial investigations lasting longer than 60 days, are against the child protection standards. The standards also say, however, never to rush an investigation for this reason. I believe bringing the matter to court was done to rush the investigation.

In attempting to make an internal complaint in July 2015, I was told by Service Manager, Lisa Muir, that she disagreed with my concerns, and that it was up to the judge to hold her workers accountable. This conversation was recorded and is available. I believe a push to meet standards took precedent in my case over my children’s best interest.

I believe the agency acted in its best interest of meeting child protection standards, rather than my children’s best interest (working cooperatively). I believe my family suffered because FCSLLG staff did not meet timelines. After FCSLLG court initiation, a series of adjournments cost our family and FCSLLG valuable time and money unnecessarily. I believe court was completely avoidable and that staff involved in my case were negligent and/or complacent either intentionally or not.

I continually requested the correction of personal info and info in dispute resolution, to avoid court, but was ignored. I have several emails, voicemails and audio recordings that show this, and also contradict affidavits and case notes observed in my file disclosure and court file. I also have videos of various workers at my front door unannounced, being confrontational. I seek accountability of agency staff involved in my case and particularly wish to have the issue of worker Ms. Wollenschlager knowingly lie in her affidavit addressed. I also seek clarity as to whether or not the services I experienced are condoned by FCSLLG and/or typical of the organization or if it perhaps indicates an underlying issue. The services I received left me with a severe distrust of FCSLLG and I would like to know how the agency intends to address this, as well as the distrust from the public who have similar complaints resulting from poor service delivery. I would also like information on how FCSLLG measures quality of service delivery.

Below are the particulars of my complaint against Lesley Wollenschlager:

On April 29th, 2015, FCSLLG worker Lesley Wollenschlager and Constable Brad Walker came to our door, demanding entry. We (my husband, Derek Flegg and I) insisted on talking to a lawyer before letting them in and were told that would cause repercussions.

Under duress, we let them in. Ms. Wollenschlager then became hostile, stating that she did not need a warrant to take our kids. This prompted me to grab my camera and hit record, (Ms. Wollenschlager’s swore that recording began at door, which is also untrue.) Ms. Wollenschlager changed her tone somewhat. I asked several times if we could refuse entry. Constable Walker and Ms. Wollenschlager would not answer.

Eventually Ms. Wollenschlager said if we refused, she would have to seek legal counsel. At this point, I said that we were refusing and told Constable Walker and Ms. Wollenschlager to leave, three times. Ms Wollenschlager asked to see the upstairs. I again said no and told them to leave. I was then told by Constable Brad Walker that serious repercussions would occur, then Ms. Wollenschlager added “in terms of the kids being here”.

At that point my husband, Derek Flegg, had brought our children for Ms. Wollenschlager to see and this threat of child apprehension was made in front of the children. After hearing this threat, our second youngest ran around the corner and laid on the kitchen floor. She covered her eyes and would not acknowledge FCSLLG or police. The camera recorded this. After about 8 minutes of telling Ms. Wollenschlager and police to leave, they did eventually go back to their cars and waited. This incident and threat was audio/video recorded and is available. After Constable Walker and Ms. Wollenschlager waited outside the home for an hour, with our older two children returning from school during this time, they came back to the door and demanded entry again. I continued to refuse until I could speak to a lawyer. Ms. Wollenschlager continued to aggressively demand entry, saying that my concerns were “not her issue”. After about ten minutes of refusing them entry, Constable Walker and Ms. Wollenschlager said they would come back at an unspecified time, on May 1, 2015.

On July 2, 2015, despite this incident being recorded on camera and known to Lesley Wollenschlager, Ms. Wollenschlager swore information she knew to be false in an affidavit that was used as evidence against my family to obtain a temporary court order. Ms. Wollenschlager threatened to take our children immediately after I told her three times to leave my house. In her affidavit, Ms. Wollenschlager states that I had “asked to know the possible outcomes of not cooperating” and that is why she threatened my children.

I was not asking her any questions at that time, but was instead telling her to leave my house. Ms. Wollenschlager knew the video existed and acknowledged its existence two days after the incident. Ms. Wollenschlager was well aware of the video and I can provide the video at any time. I can also provide Ms. Wollenschlager’s affidavit, as well as my own affidavit. It is also a criminal offence to knowingly lie in an affidavit.

Thank you for taking time to review my concerns,


Kelley Denham, RSSW