Go Fund Me Campaign For Indigenous Women's Research | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Sharon Tslaw'halum's picture
Duncan, British Columbia
About the author

A sincere greeting to all humans that read my profile. Our national agency is a collective group of women from various backgrounds working together to build capacity for justice, housing, health care, jobs, child rights, native women's rights and the well-being of our women. We are One of the most renowned boots on the ground campaign leaders for Native Women and Human Rights Canada.

Native Women seek Justice and Reconciliation without Racism, Oppressive Policies, Legislation and New Agreements through Reconciliation.


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Go Fund Me Campaign For Indigenous Women's Research

January 24, 2017

The Campaign for a National Voice for Indigenous Women Canada was established to gain acknowledgement for identity, culture, law, lands, and to promote access for advancement of Native Women in Canadian society on a personal or public level, and remove policies that currently hinder them. 

<< https://www.gofundme.com/IndigenousWomensResearch >>

We would like to increase individual and collective governance and Indigenous management for the advancement of Indigenous women across all levels of government, public and private sectors, and gain self-governance and management for communities and national issues concerning Native Women of Canada. 

After years of collecting data on Residential School, native women and children continue to deal with on-going perpetuation or racism and discrimination from public agenices, eductional schools, justice, housing, lands and general public. We seek to campaign for not only working with native leaders, but put funding toward the structure practises for hiring native women, educating service providers, by native women, and stronger relations with the Government of Canada, Provincial State and Native Bands across the Nation.

"Women's legal status as First Nations citizens could be unilaterally and irrevocably stolen by federal legislation that allowed their fathers or husbands to make decisions on their behalf. This regulation was a major affront to women's autonomy - women had no recourse if their father or husband sold them out of status. It also seriously undermined the matri-lineal descent rule of many tribes by giving men authority to decide whether or not their families would retain First Nations membership. This voluntary enfranchisement provisions remained in effect until 1985."

<< https://www.gofundme.com/IndigenousWomensResearch >>

First Nations Women are experiencing linear racialized sexual violence from Canadian legislation, citizens, and within Federal Band policies on Reserves regarding the Rights of First Nations Women today. Totally neglected socially and economically and without a voice within the justice system. The negative impacts are devastating, causing deep poverty from neglect and legislative discrimination. The fight continues today for a Voice in Canada!

First Nations women are systemically murdered in Canada with little regard to their person. Let us stop the systemic neglect of First Nations Women of Canada.

The majority of First Nations Women of Canada become Victims within a family unit and remain silent to keep their families together. Many First Nations women die as a result of their emotional obligation to family and community. Many First Nations women are a statistic, nothing more to Canada. Violence against First Nations women developed into an economy for the justice system and networking program agencies - like victims services, transition houses, homeless shelters, and men are released from jail very fast after they are charged with violent crimes against First Nations Women.

Within First Nations culture and native laws, women are held within high esteem within our territories because they are life-givers; even Elective First Nation leaders ignore native laws or women's place within our spiritual practice and nations, because of assimilation over time. First Nations men truly believe they sit in a higher place than First Nations women today within our nation. Because of Euro-Colonial teachings from school and discriminatory Canadian laws in place that oppress women.

Please support, care and have compassion - help First Nations Women to regain their Voices across Indigenous Nations for the purpose of making political wrongs to right! Support, lets stop Violence Against Native Women together!

Canadian Acts and policies spear head the negative treatment and neglect of First Nations Women of Canada, pushing First Nations Women into systemic discrimination and genocide.

Please support our fight for justice on the home-front in Canada! 

We seek your support, care and donations to continue to research service gaps, along with the Indian Act that impacts Indigenous Women socially and economically!

Thank you for your time and consideration. 
