Costs of Ford’s anti-climate action keep rising; Schreiner | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Mike Schreiner's picture
Toronto, Ontario
About the author

A leading advocate for independent businesses, local food and sustainable communities, Mike Schreiner is well known for his leadership in co-founding the award-winning Local Food Plus organization. He brings a proven track record in business and non-profit leadership roles to the Ontario political scene. Schreiner was elected leader of the Green Party of Ontario (GPO) on November 14, 2009. Schreiner, a 43-year old father of two, started his career in the Guelph region as an entrepreneur and advocate in the local food movement. As co-founder of WOW Foods, an award winning local organic food distribution company, Schreiner worked for over 10 years to connect local farmers with consumers in the GTA and Guelph. His business was awarded the Citizen’s Bank of Canada Ethics in Action Award for socially responsible business and the Toronto Food Policy Council’s Local Food Hero Award. He is also co-founder of Earthdance Organics, a Guelph-based food production business that supplied area health foods stores and farmer’s markets in the early 2000s. Building on that success, he helped establish Local Food Plus (LFP), a non-profit that brings farmers and consumers together to promote financially, socially and environmentally sustainable local food systems. While at LFP, the organization won the Canadian Environment Award for Sustainable Living, a Green Toronto Award of Excellence--Health Category, a Green Toronto Award of Excellence--Market Transformation Category and NOW Magazine’s Best of Toronto Award for best new environmental initiative. Family and community are important to Mike. His wife Sandy and their two daughters are active, spending their free time gardening, hiking, fishing, cycling and volunteering in community activities.

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Costs of Ford’s anti-climate action keep rising; Schreiner

October 18, 2018

“Premier Ford’s anti-climate agenda is bad for the environment and bad for business. And today we learned that the Premier’s reckless actions are a $3 billion boondoggle that will dig a deeper fiscal hole for the province.

Premier Ford is putting politics and ideology over evidence, and it comes with a $3 billion price tag that the Conservatives are not being honest about.

The FAO report reveals the real financial consequences of Ford’s ‘cut first; think later’ approach to governing. He rushed to cancel cap-and-trade to make good on an ill-conceived campaign slogan. Now we are learning about the financial consequences.

The people of Ontario will pay dearly for the Premier’s reckless actions.

The numbers will only get worse as the real-world consequences of abandoning climate action rise. Insurable losses from extreme weather events in Ontario amounted to nearly $1 billion in the first half of 2018. We are at risk of losing $420 million in federal transfers contingent on having a real climate change plan. And we can expect legal challenges from companies unfairly punished by the Ford government for simply following the previous rules of cap-and-trade.

Everyday we are learning more about the financial costs of a government that puts ideology over evidence.”