Trucks, Tricks & Politicks | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Mitch Brisebois's picture
Renfrew, Ontario
About the author

Sometimes I tweet for the South March Highlands / Carp River Coalition @SouthMarch

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Trucks, Tricks & Politicks

May 13, 2013

Hi Ottawa residents,

I'm trying to make sense of this. Can you help? What do you think?

Marie Antoinette likely never said "Let them eat cake", but Ottawa mayor Jim Watson did tweet "New food trucks start this Wednesday! 18 new options for our residents and visitors!" In fact the new trucks have spilled more Twitter ink than most major municipal issues.

Why was there a City Hall red carpet celebration for 18 new street food trucks? Meanwhile, public consultations on budgets, planning, and re-zoning are hushed down?

Is it all a trick? Like an MSG rush? Feel SO good about the vegan, gluten-free, organic, 100-mile, fair-trade poutine that you won't notice the important issues flying by?

Or are the huge condos casting a long dark shadow over your park bench...