Canada, ISIS and our $528 million bombing campaign | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Paul Maillet's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Paul Maillet is a retired Air Force Colonel with 25 years as an aerospace engineering officer and executive in the Department of National Defence, including four years as the department’s Director of Defence Ethics. Paul is the owner of the PAUL MAILLET CENTER FOR ETHICS, and an ACCREDITED PEACE PROFESSIONAL through Civilian Peace Services Canada.  Paul works in the field of development, governance, organizational ethics, anti corruption and peace services; nationally, with first Nations and internationally.

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Canada, ISIS and our $528 million bombing campaign

September 27, 2015



There is no military solution. The real question is how can Canada contribute to peace and stability in the region. I suggest 528 million dollars could save the lives of countless refugees and war victims, build a safe haven, lead a relentless diplomatic initiative for a ceasefire, and contribute more humanitarian aid.  This is who we should be.  We should be proud of being peacemakers.