This is wildlife management? | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

ColleenFraser's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

I am a retired high school teacher with a keen interest in how our community runs, particularly the gap between what we are told by our leaders is important to them and the oft noted split between that and the governing choices they make.

The more citizens speak out against having become voiceless in the democratic process, the more likely this outcome will be reversed. We need to be engaged more in processes that affect us all and less in entertainment which distracts us from what is important.

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This is wildlife management?

October 31, 2013

Hello Mayor Watson and Mr. Hubley,
I am writing because I have grown increasingly concerned about the lack of a considered and humane wildlife policy in Ottawa. I have been provoked to do this because of yet another incident of cruelty and mindlessness by the city regarding the shooting of the recent poor lost elk. Is the best the Nation’s capital could really do is to have shot this lost elk when all it needed was tranquillizing and relocation?  
Repeated wildlife confrontations due to an absence of understanding, planning and humanity in fast succession have drawn not only local, but also national attention to the complete disregard this city’s administration has for wildlife. The absence of a sensible and sentient city policy continues to be lacking whether it is towards beavers, coyotes, elk or whatever the next unfortunate prey of this city will be. The only consistent aspect is the repeated mismanagement and utter disregard for other creatures with whom we share our lives in this city.
Council needs to be reminded that they were elected to carry out the electorate’s wishes and not to turn the capital into the Wild West. Concerned citizens who know we all benefit living in the presence of other species are angry and embarrassed at the continued misdirection of this council.
I would like to know how you as my mayor and as my representative can help change this misguidedness with which we are now plagued.  Please respond so that I know how you feel about the continuing actions so far taken by the city in harming animals who have needed our help but instead became victims to our aggression and heartlessness. Does the city intend to improve their handling of such issues? If yes, what are their plans to do so? Who is the 24/7 Wildlife Expert the city hired? Where has he been when needed? What is his salary and what duties has he carried out?
What kind of example and encouragement is the city’s repeated killing of animals communicating to whackos such as the local madman who this past summer drove repeatedly metal rods- for sport - through a mother raccoon and her baby? Do not separate these events: the city leadership here has set the tone – wildlife is bothersome, not worth the trouble of helping and is to be killed. These repeated signals have given permission to others to behave also without regard for animals in our surroundings. And it must stop by rethinking a constructive city plan and giving new signals to the community – and to the animals who struggle to avoid our city killing them for no reason.
I attach a letter of similar concern that recently appeared on Please read it and let me know what you and council will do to redirect this present disregard for wildlife which sadly governs our city’s interface with nature.
Please do not send me a form letter as a reply thanking me for my contact. I wrote to be heard and learn from you what constructive changes you will implement to prevent future wildlife fiascos such as these.
Colleen Fraser, Kanata