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Unpublished Newswire

A new movement is looking into the idea of daily pay, otherwise known as ‘on-demand work pay’. In a nutshell, it’s the ability to access the pay you’ve earned before the scheduled payday comes around. Of course, a small fee is involved, but it’s probably worth the price tag if it delivers peace of mind. If this option was granted to you, would you take advantage of it? Kristy Cameron tackles today’s Question of the Day. Plus, as our Political Heat Panel reconvenes, we tackle the latest proposals to Canada’s election laws. If approved, our country’s next federal election would be pushed...
March 25, 2024 - 18:02 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
An estimated 90,000 Canadian cars are being stolen every year, according to the federal government. And if you check the latest data from the Insurance Bureau of Canada, you’ll find that private auto insurers had paid out $1.2 billion in theft claims throughout 2022. How big is that number? Well, it’s three times bigger than the price tag from 2018. So how do insurance companies react to high-risk vehicles in high-risk areas? We pick the brain of Brian Erwin, an insurance broker at Ottawa-based McDougall Insurance. Meantime, a 75-year-old Manotick woman is shocked and frustrated at her...
March 25, 2024 - 18:01 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
According to a Leger poll that was first unveiled in September, 47 percent of Canadians say they were living paycheque to paycheque. Since most workers get paid every two weeks, or perhaps on a monthly basis, a new movement is looking at the idea of introducing a daily pay option. Does it make sense for employees to have instant access to their wages? Kristy Cameron poses that question to Mitch McLean, a financial and investment advisor at Capital Wealth Partners. Meantime, after months of backlash and trust issues from the customers it serves, the CEO of Boeing will be stepping aside...
March 25, 2024 - 18:00 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Spring is officially here, and that means the growing emergence of invasive species. Earlier today, the Invasive Species Centre unveiled a list of species that Ontarians should be on the lookout for, a list that ranges from bugs to plants. Kristy Cameron chats with Emily Posteraro, a Program Development Coordinator with the Invasive Species Centre. On a lighter note, if you were wondering about that lost Oscars bet, Mr. Hollywood has held his end of the bargain. He also delivered his Weekly Movie Picks, which can be found in the later stages of Hour 2.
March 22, 2024 - 18:14 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Earlier in the show, we spoke to the creator of a viral petition, as a group of landlords call on the province to tighten up on problematic tenants. In Hour 3, Kristy Cameron chats with Verun Sriskanda, a member of the Ottawa Small Landlords Association. He agrees with the petition’s message. Plus, we hear from the mighty CFRA Nation, as we tackle today’s Question of the Day. Plus, a hoard of small Ottawa-based businesses are calling on City Hall to provide better support for struggling business owners. Earlier this week, 110 business owners signed an open letter, addressed to Ottawa’s...
March 22, 2024 - 17:46 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Since the start of COVID-19, the warts in Canada’s healthcare system have been magnified in ways we’d never expect. And in the midst of all those failures, a handful of innovations are aiming to change things for the better, like this new initiative happening right here in Ontario. The University Health Network, located in the GTA, introduced the E.D. Virtual Program during COVID’s second wave. Basically, it allows patients who are not experiencing life-threatening conditions to see a practitioner without having to set foot in a hospital. Dr. Sameer Masood explains how it works in Hour 2...
March 22, 2024 - 17:45 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa